“Birth of Kitaro: The Mystery of Gegege...
“Birth of Kitaro: The Mystery of Gegege” is in official competition in the Contrechamp category. Toei Animation is proud to announce that the animated feature film, Birth of Kitaro: The Mystery ...
“Birth of Kitaro: The Mystery of Gegege” is in official competition in the Contrechamp category. Toei Animation is proud to announce that the animated feature film, Birth of Kitaro: The Mystery ...
The famous Straw Hat Pirate from One Piece is preparing to celebrate his birthday in 5 European countries Paris, 11th April 2024 – Toei Animation is proud to announce that Monkey D. Luffy is preparing to arrive ...
Upon hearing of the passing of Toriyama-sensei, we are deeply saddened. We offer our sincere condolences. Within our company, we have many staff members who contributed to masterpieces such as “Dr. Slump -Arale-...
The Birth of Kitaro: The Mystery of GeGeGe released in theaters in Japan on November 17th 2023 and depicts the secret of Kitaro’s origins. This movie commemorating the 100th anniversary of Shigeru MizukiR...